Speaking of Richard and Roger, Roger says the idea to install the Capacitor "Forming" function into the MK.2 version of his Music Reference RM-200 amp was a suggestion from Richard. Brooks Berdan sold a lot of RM-9's and RM-200's to owners of Vandersteen 2's and 3's, a great matchup.
For the price of retubing an ARC Reference 150, you can just about buy a used RM-200! The four output tubes run in the RM-200 (producing 100w/ch) last about five times longer than those in the REF 150. How many 150 owners have compared their amp to the RM-200? I’m guessing none. You can buy a used PAIR of RM-200’s for less than a single used Ref 75! There’s one on AudiogoN right now for less than $3k, a ridiculously good deal. I have all the power I need from the one I already own or I’d buy it.