Mac Mini & Outboard DAC

I'm trying desperately to simplify the basic home system. Seems to me, a mac mini, and decent outboard dac would do the job. I've built my own speakers and have a bel canto S300 dual mono amp for power. I can get internet radio streams, which are superior to my am/fm reception. I can move all my apple lossless files to the hardrive, and with a Miglia TVMax+ I can rig it as a DVR/DVD player. Surely I'm missing something. I'd be much obliged if someone can tell me where this will fail before I give it a shot.

Showing 1 response by vegasears

I use my Mac Mini the following ways: Digital music playback with iTunes and remote w/frontrow software. I record vinyl. I also record DVD-A, DVD-V & SACD output from my Esoteric DV-50. I use iTunes for internet radio. I have an AirPort Express connected to my HT Pioneer Elite Receiver's internal DAC down stairs in the den and play music that way too. I do not use the Mac Mini's internal hard drive for music storage, I use a 750 Gb portable hard drive. Great little device.

Good Luck