Sorry Chadeffect. The only thing you are doing is making
Audio irrelevant, replacing it with Computer bells and
whistles. It won't be long before Microsoft/Apple/Mac...
etc, start to wonder why they even bother to include such
an insignificant thing like Music Audio. It just wastes
processing from other more successful/popular Programs/
toys. It is not like you, or anyone else here would
complain. Trust me, they KNOW this already. You don't really need Music Audio, or Computer Audio, or High Rez.
Downloads- do you? You will be spending all of your time
watching Movies, Playing Games, Doing your Taxes...etc.
You won't even remember what Computer Audio was...other
than drivel that was very tedious! You will be proud!
Audio irrelevant, replacing it with Computer bells and
whistles. It won't be long before Microsoft/Apple/Mac...
etc, start to wonder why they even bother to include such
an insignificant thing like Music Audio. It just wastes
processing from other more successful/popular Programs/
toys. It is not like you, or anyone else here would
complain. Trust me, they KNOW this already. You don't really need Music Audio, or Computer Audio, or High Rez.
Downloads- do you? You will be spending all of your time
watching Movies, Playing Games, Doing your Taxes...etc.
You won't even remember what Computer Audio was...other
than drivel that was very tedious! You will be proud!