From the Schiit website see below:
''Designed and Built in California
By “designed and built in California" this is what we mean: the vast majority of the total production cost of Tyr—chassis, boards, transformers, assembly, etc—goes to US companies manufacturing in the US. Our chassis are made minutes from our facility. Our PCBs are done just over the hill from us. Our transformers are also made in California. All of this comes together in our Valencia, California facility, where each Tyr is assembled, tested, burned in for 3 days, and then listen-tested again.
5-Year Warranty
Tyr is covered by a limited warranty that covers parts and labor for five years. That’s 5 years. Yes. FIVE. Which is up to 5X that of our competition, if you weren’t so hot at math. Note the marketing weasel-wording “up to.”
15-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
Try Tyr in your own house for 15 days. If you don’t like them, simply send them back for a refund, minus a 5% transaction fee. Try spending 15 days in an audio store. They’ll kick you out. Unless you buy them donuts. Maybe.''