Maggie owners (past, present, future) what do (did) you love and or dislike about them?

I've always owned dynamic speakers, but I'm ready for something different. I remember about 15 years ago auditioning a pair of Maggie's at a small shop on the Plaza. Don't remember the model but I was astounded by the clarity. Couldn't afford them then, had 2 kids in college. Presently own a pair of Monitor Audio Gold 300's and they're very good speakers, but I've been reminiscing about the clarity of those Maggie's and I want a pair of the 3.7i's. Those of you who have experience with Maggie's let me know your love (hate) relationship with them. My room is 17 x 15 with a sloping ceiling up to 10 feet. Is that enough room for the 3.7i's to perform at their best?

Showing 5 responses by mewsickbuff

Thanks all for the input. I'm not in the market for a new amp. The one I have now does 400 watts into 4 Ohms. @ jazzman463, thanks for broadening my horizons. Before your post, I'd never heard of OB speakers. I'm liking the price quotes but so far haven't read a lot of reviews. But what I have read, sounds really appealing. Their size and look are also pluses. Will have to do more research. Which model do you have and how is it's sound stage, imaging and timbre of voices and instruments?
LOL, audio nervosa. I believe the majority of us are afflicted. You say they were hard to drive, what amp did you drive yours with? I have a Primare A32 amp capable of delivering 400W per channel to 4 ohms. Adequate?
Thanks for all the input. I'm glad to hear my room is adequate for the 3.7i's but not too thrilled to hear my amp @ 400 watts into 4 Ohms is just marginally good enough. For visual sake if you're standing in my living room facing the street, my HT is set up on the right long wall with its own speakers to either side of the TV. My (music only) stereo speakers are on the short wall with a street-facing window behind each speaker (small 4x4 foot front door alcove to the right). It's already a tight squeeze around the right stereo speaker and left HT speaker. I'm almost thinking the 1.7i's might be a better fit for my living room. I can't see a speaker almost the size of a bedroom door further dominating that space and the 1.7i's are closer to the size of my present speakers. How do the 1.7i's perform? I've read one problem with Maggies is their imaging can be unrealistically larger than life. Have you found that to be true with the models you have (had)?
@ stilljim, Sounds like you're quite talented with revisions. I'm not and wouldn't consider changing a thing, lest I damage something.

Over the weekend I moved my stereo to a bedroom, 12 x 10 x 8. I know the 3.7i's are too big for this room. For the first time I plan to do some room acoustic treatment with some diffusion panels and see what happens. Without it, though, I'm enjoying the privacy. My speakers are 3 feet from my front wall and 3 feet from the side wall. I sit in an equilateral triangle which is only about 2 1/2 feet from my back wall. The sound stage is fairly wide with most music (wall to wall) and every now and then deep, but not so much high. Imaging is good. Perhaps now, the 1.7's would work best.
@rpmartins1, I'd really like to hear about your experience, especially comparing the 3 speakers you mention. Right now, I'm still listening to my MA Golds. But thinking a lot about a pair of OB.