Maggies MGII's - Questions, thoughts

Hello All;

I've been caught up in the "must upgrade" fever for the last few weeks, mostly from just clicking back on this site after a few years of staying away.
I've had a few different components over the past few years, but the core has been the same for about 12-13 years, my MGII's, matching serial number's 104406. Factory referbed about 10 years ago, amongst the last to be done in Mn.
My question is this; I love the sound of them still. I have Quad 12L's, beautiful that I bought here, but I have my maggies back on. Is this my lack of "ear"? Am I just so stuck that I'm not hearing the beauty of whats new? I have a Jolida 102b, pro-ject rm4, ATF5 cart, music hall cd-25, kimber tc4. What should I audition/buy? or just let it play?
Hi, have the 2A's. Love them. I don't need the wall shaking bass anymore. Plus the wife likes them, so that is half the battle. Enjoy what you have.
I had MGIIBs powered by a Cary SLA70 Sig, one of the best combos that I ever had!
I owned the MG IIa's from 1978 to 1987 when I went to the MG IIIa's. Used the MGIIIa's until 2004 when I went to 3.6's.

I liked the midrange on the IIa's better than the IIIa's ( they were also more coherent), but they do not go as low or high as the IIIa's.

Since yours were rebuilt, they should be great, and last a long time. They still hold up well to the current models, if you do not need deep bass. I suggest keeping them!

When I was in high school in the 80's, I worked part time in an audio store. Although not freakishly high end, the store sold McIntosh, Tandberg, Yamaha, Dahlquist and KEF, among other good brands.

By working nights and weekends, I cobbled together a system with Magneplanar IIBs, driven by a Hafler DH 500 am.

My boss who ran the store came over for a demo and said it was the "best system he had ever heard!"

Having moved up from Ibs to IIbs to IIIas, Apogees, Martin Logans, and now Tympani IVas, my experience is that any gains in "resolution" or "air" from eletrostatics or ribbons typically come with the benefit of more detail and the ability to listen at lower volumes, but the price tag of being less forgiving and/or more difficult to match with associated components.

So further to another recent thread praising vintage gear, you might just keep and enjoy them. If you absolutely have to spend money, you might throw power at them.