Magical Marantz 22## receivers

Why is it generally accepted that caps in a vintage speaker crossover should be replaced but some how these mid-fi (at best) 70’s vintage receivers seem to get better (and more expensive) with no maintenance. I would love to see someone bench test one of these beauties with the “tube like” sound.

Hi Kosst

The Pioneer SX-3400? Where specifically on this unit? I've been tuning these specific units for many years now without anything failing on any of them. Are you sure they are talking about the 3400?

I'm happy to reinvestigate, I have 4 of these units sitting right here, including one taken completely apart so it will be easy for me to see exactly where you are referring to.


Michael Green

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Hi Kosst

That's more than likely why. The 3400 doesn't have any bigger caps. I went down to the shop just a few moments ago and looked at a circuit board close up and didn't find any residue. I'm going to have the guys check as well, we're pretty picky about cleaning up boards and parts.

Thanks for the heads up! One thing I love about the biz is, there's always folks out there discovering something useful to add to the mix.

Michael Green

I have a vintage Marantz 2230 because I owned one when I was 17 years old. Reminds me of my youth. 
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