Magico - a new Mini?

I was looking at their website to read the reviews and noticed that they don't list the Mini 2 in the Product section. They do list a new Q3 model.
Does anyone know if their is a new Mini replacement coming out?

Showing 4 responses by razmika

Thanks Holenneck, impressive indeed.
James63, have you actually seen them? I like the way they look, and if they are built like the Q5, they should be a nice jewel.
I never buy or change equipment because the way it looks. In fact, buying "on look" is a sure recipe for disappointment. I much prefer the industrial, build like a good tool look, to the IKEA one.
It seems more elegant then the prototype photos I have seen from CES. Perhaps the proportions are different as well??
All things equal, I don’t think that a 2-way, with one bass driver, can be as efficient as a 3-way with 3 bass drivers.
However, if they go down 7Hz lower (And 10K higher), and are more efficient and easier to drive and all that out of a box that is about ½ the size of a Mini, you’ve got yourself a pretty interesting product here. Oh, yes, I almost forgot, cheaper to… I personally, do prefer the look as well.