Magico Comparison

I noticed that there is currently for sale a pair of Q3's for $23k and a pair of M5's for sale for $22.8. That is quite a discount from list on the M5's which retailed for $89k and a reasonable reduction on the Q3 list of $37k. Has anyone listened to both of these speakers? I think the Q3 sounds really great but I also have been very satisfied with my used V3s. It will be interesting to see if the tremendous depreciation that marked the previous generation of Magicos (Mini I and II, V2, V3 and particularly M5) occurs with this new generation of CNC machined enclosure units.
Compering the above mentioned brands to Magico is like comparing 80’s American cars to current German ones.
The comments you often see on hi-fi forum toward Magico reflects the sad state of the high-end industry today. Here you have a truly innovative company, a rarity in the hi-end, being criticize constantly by closed minded, ill-informed, outdated crowd. In what industry “weekend hobbyists” stuffing off-the-shelve parts in a box, can be compared to a SOTA organization with a full R&D department and manufacturing capabilities? Instead of cheering the fact that someone is still willing to invest in R&D for this dying industry, something that potently can benefit all audiophiles, they go out of their way to rant about it. I understand that people are not happy with Magico pricing, but I don’t see Chevy owners trash Ferrari just because they can’t afford them. Unbelievable.
Mariv26, Well written and I fully agree. Though, there are a few other speaker
companies that are also doing some R&D. Magico happens to be doing a lot of it
and look at how many small, serious, and high performance stand-mounted
speakers have been brought to market since the Magico Mini. The industry does
Magico does alot of marketing
They are way over priced for what you're getting
My two cents here
As the original poster, I have to say that I wanted people who had heard Magicos to weigh in on the models noted. I own Magicos and made that clear in the post. So for some of you, who would trash a speaker brand I more than admire, I own, is disappointing to say the least. And if you think they are overpriced, don't buy them; but do not impugn the intelligence of those that do.
Teeshot, just ignore the posts that have nothing to do with your original topic, or move the discussion over to Whatsbestforum. That is a generally more serious, less contentious forum.

I happen to think that your original question is pretty interesting. The speakers do sound different and they are quite different in size. Perhaps the size of the room and the amount of power that your amps have could be the determining factors. The Q3 is an easier load to drive and might be more appropriate in a slightly smaller room. The M5 is less efficient, has lower extension and will pressurize a larger room more easily. The M5 and Q3 are also quite different aesthetically.

Then there are resale and repair/support issues that you might consider also.