Magico Comparison

I noticed that there is currently for sale a pair of Q3's for $23k and a pair of M5's for sale for $22.8. That is quite a discount from list on the M5's which retailed for $89k and a reasonable reduction on the Q3 list of $37k. Has anyone listened to both of these speakers? I think the Q3 sounds really great but I also have been very satisfied with my used V3s. It will be interesting to see if the tremendous depreciation that marked the previous generation of Magicos (Mini I and II, V2, V3 and particularly M5) occurs with this new generation of CNC machined enclosure units.
Marin26, and many others, are not really paying attention to that which they do not want to admit: the possibility that there are some true sonic characteristics of Magico that put off some listeners in a major way. Some aggressive types frequency response anomolies and/or distortions really stand out to many folks. That many others do not hear these characteristics does not mean that they are not there, it means that certain listeners are not sensitive to them. And the fact that those sounnds so irritate some people results in frustration that others do not hear it and note it.

If it were just that Magico is expensive then the same sort of vitriol would be present with Rockport speakers, which reach as high as Magico in price and have so for a longer period of time. But we do not see those very negative comments toward Rockport. Neither do we see that polarized response toward the Vandersteen model 7 or the Revel Ultima Salon 2. How about the super expensive large Focal? They do not represent state of the sound to many of us, but they do not become targets of such vocal derision, I believe mainly because their faults are not ones of an irritating, somewhat aggressive sonic nature. How about ESP, for another brand? Never do I hear "they are awful, they hurt my ears, they are full of distortion."

We can name too many brands of prominent, highly reviewed, expensive speakers, such as I started naming above, that are not attacked. I think folks should consider that quite possibly there really are some negative sonic traits of the Magico models that do represent some distortions or problems that make sensitive listeners ears hurt.
Magico is a wonderful sounding speaker.If you don't like them keep on trucking Everyones perception of great sound is different.You must have the best components all through the chain.Some people that can't afford something love to knock it.
The biggest issue I see with very expensive lines like Magico is the extreme depreciation that occurs in the used market. These products do not appear to hold their retail value any better than others, and perhaps worse so in some cases. The used market is really where one can determine worth and value. Magico would seem to hold value about as well as other competing lines. So it would seem to be a good idea to make sure if you buy very expensive gear like Magico new, to make sure you are not going to want to change and sell in the foreseeable future. In general, I am skeptical (interms of value) of companies that do a lot of expensive marketing for very expensive products, but that is just me.

I've heard Magicos and they are certainly very fine speakers. BUild quality is Magico's focus it seems and is in fact top notch, but that necessarily constrains how big the product can be. Bigger rooms require bigger speakers. That's pretty much dictated by physics.

Used prices I see these days seem pretty competitive. I would probably look towards Magico new only if I were much wealthier and living space were at a premium.

I would guess they do best in large metro areas where people have money but not necessarily large homes or rooms to run a system in.
Only a fool will pay full list for Magico.The reason used prices are what they are is Valin etc from Absolute sound run down the old speakers.The Sound is a Magico sales tool.My Mini 2 is STILL a wonderful sounding speaker.
There are currently seven bidders in the auction for the Magico M5. So there is plenty of interest at some price point. Resale value is also often effected by how many units of a particular model were originally made and for sale at any given time. And how often models are updated or replaced.