Magico Q5

Anyone hear the new Q5's at Overture today?
Here is the latest info, specs, pricing on the Q5.....

Yes, hat's off to Tim and the crew, very nice event. Great to hear Alon the speaker's creator comments and to talk with him after the demo as well. On the speaker itself, a true reference. Sitting off to the far side, I did not feel the dispersion to be very impressive. But every other aspect of a truly great speaker came across. Author Robert Harley also on hand. Nice to have a conversation with a audio all star.
Can't wait to hear the speakers with some of my own discs. And paired to some other gear just for the heck of it. Overtrue and the Magico Q's rock.
I didn't get to Terry's place to hear them--but did hear the Magico 2's and the 3's elswhere a month ago. I thought them to be superior to Avalons (the 3's more than the 2's which to me sound somewhat 'hooded' in the harmonics above the midrange, could have been something else, but my gut says its the speaker)in virtually every regard. The one important factor is they (the 3's) let me forget, more than with the Avalons, that I was listening to a great speaker. That indefinable 'moment' when you can slide into the recording and get lost.

Magico has all the markings of a long term, 'Watch this company' player in the audio market. I hope they do the product justice with their marketing scheme.

Larry Staples