Magico Q5

Anyone hear the new Q5's at Overture today?
Razmika- what's wrong with high end McIntosh?

btw, wasn't the Q5 announced at 50k at CES? Or is now that Valin says its the greatest speaker of the world the price is now 60k. Yawn, so typical of this industry these days.
54k initially I believe. Nothing new, they've been doing this all along to all models ; Mini/2, V3, M5, M6! The only stable one so far is their V2 @18k.
I'm a little cynical when it comes to JV reviews. He seems to go through speakers like toilet paper. His latest speaker is always the greatest since slice bread. Since he is a reviewer for a well established mag, he doesn't pay for his equipment. His speakers are on "indefinite loan" by the manufacturer. The two Magicos I'm very familiar with, the Mini and M5, have never sounded like real music to me. But I really hope the Q5 is a different kind of speaker. If it offers similar flavor of sound I heard witn the Mini and M5, you can count me out. I might give a serious audition of a Mini version of the Q5, if the Q5 lives up to its reputation.