James63, JV does sometimes publish the in room freq response of the speaker he reviews - he did it for the M5 which has been "on loan" to him for the past 2 years. IMO, Magico really needs to rely on a more credible reviewer than JV. He has cried wolf too many times in his reviews.
I also heard the Magico Model 6, a $130k+ speaker. I am sad to say it was one of the most unmusical megabuck speaker I have ever heard. After enduring 20 minutes of trying to like the speaker, I had to give up. Mainly, I could not stand the "hard" unnatural sound despite being driven by Spectral and Boulder electronics. In contrast, the Rockport Altair was the antithesis of the Model 6, very enjoyable and natural sounding to these ears. The Magico house sound so far is just not my cup of tea. Hopefully, this will change with the Q series.