Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?

A while back I was very enthusiastic about these speakers. They look nice and supposedly supposed to sound very nice. I’ve heard them a few times and the level of precision and accuracy is very good. But is there too much science going on to create the speakers that makes them at times a little uncomfortable to listen to for more than a few minutes.

Are modern age speakers going nuts with all the science?


Last year I was shopping for new speakers and went to a dealer to hear the A3’s. He had the A5’s and played them for me with a VAC Sigma 170i amp. I liked the tone of the speakers but what really impressed me was the imaging. Maybe it had to do with the fact that the speakers were at least 6’ from the wall (which I couldn’t do at home), but it sounded like I was listening to a full band layered in 3D space that was as deep and 3D as a live band in real space, something I had never heard before from speakers. I would have bought the amp and speakers, but my wife didn’t like their appearance. I ended up with DeVore O96’s with a Leben CS600x integrated amp. A different sound, but a setup I’ve been very happy with.


could not believe what I was hearing in a 25K speaker

You mean that cheap or that expensive?


I think he means that you need to spend over $50,000 to get a quality sound from an overpriced speaker and that same quality sound was available for $25,000.  Depends on how well your Wallet leather is stretched and then $25,000 does not become very expensive for a set of speakers.  

The dealer was playing the stretch maneuver by only displaying the very expensive speakers.  Actually in hopes that when you choose a lesser speaker you won't feel so awful about spending a lot of money.

As an A1 owner, I can understand why people have this opinion but what others said are correct.  At first, I thought they were hard to listen to.  But the two things that fixed everything were amplifier and setup.  I changed to a Pass amp and then took more time to adjust the setup vs where I first placed them.  They are great speakers and sound super realistic.  For me, they sound like the true instrument.

Magico are very good speakers they just need to be tone and match to your preference sound.