Magnepan 1.7 to 3.7i or Pass Labs XA60.5 to X100.5

I'm in the process of upgrading my system and facing a choice. Currently I'm using an pass labs amplification (XONO, X1, XA60.5) feed by Michell Gyro, SME IV and Shelter 90x and ending with Maggie 1.7 (mye sound stands).

I've listened to both 3.7i and Wilson Sabrina, Sashas, all of which could benefit from a bit more amp.

I have a dedicated music room (12x10) and listen to late sixties classic rock, country rock, folk as well as Cash, Owen country and vocal jazz.

I have trade-up value for the 1.7 at my dealer as well trade-up value on the XA60.5. I could probably stretch to a demo pair XA160.5 but am concerned without a dedicated power outlet I'm taxing the system. Also by the way, I don't tend to push the system beyond a bit past midpoint on the pre-amp, although the XA60.5 class-A meter dances about on complex crescendos.

Two question. Upgrade amp or speakers first assuming only one change for the next 12 months? If the amp, is the XA100.5 enough of a jump?

09-14-15: Russ69
No brainer, 3.7. They are a big step up from a 1.7.
It's a 10x12 room. Think small, the size of a fourth bedroom or "bonus room".

A .7 would probably be better than the 1.7 in a room that size. All the more reason for very small subs to fill in the bottom. Even one DWM may require too much space around it.
I have a friend who has the 3.7i with 2 bass panels. He is driving them using a Pair of Pass 60.8 monoblocks. This is a very nice sounding setup.
Would you say that the 60.8 monos have enough juice to Power the 3.7´s?
Other posters have mentioned that the X60.5 are sufficient to drive the 3.7. Phone calls with my dealer, pass labs and magnepan all seem to suggest the same. All they all said more is better.

As the prove of the pudding is in the tasting, I plan on taking my amps to the dealers and simply trying it out. The problem was the magnepan and pass labs dealers are different.
Thanks gonzales, I have heard the 60.8´s driving a pair of Dynaudio C4 Platinums (88dB), the meters stayed in the middle/never left class-A, but I have also heard Magnepan owners saying that even the XA100.5/8 is not sufficient.