Magnepan for Background Listening

As the title suggests, how are Maggies for background listening? The new LRS model is so affordable, I was thinking about pulling the trigger. Realistically though, I am not going to pull up a chair and sit in the sweet spot very often. I know that the sweet spot is small, but outside of that sweet spot is what I am most curious about. Thanks! 
Just fine. The sweet spot is small for every speaker made it is just that the better speakers are better at displaying it for you. The sharper the sweet spot the better the loudspeaker. 
Background music is just that. You are really busy doing something else and just like to tap your feet which you can do to a first generation Sony pocket radio.
Sean, they work extremely well as primary or background,  I have 5 sets, from the MGIII to the small on wall.  High frequency is the only limitation.  The sound "travels well, and is coherent", ie. down the hall in the bedroom or outside, imho.  The MGIII has the ribbon tweeter and is balanced from top to bottom.  I also use two  DWM bass panels.  The worst you can do is send them back for credit on your dime.  Combined with a DMW bass panel, you will be able to rock. 
Maggies as great for background listening as sound radiates from both sides of the panel. Plus let’s get real, what better speaker can you buy for $650 than the LRS?! In my mind...none. Plus they are so light and you can move the panels around easily. Very little downside in trying the LRS. 
Cool. It sounds like the biggest limiting factor is going to be treble since these guys aren’t very tall. Do the stands allow you to tilt them back or has anyone tried the book trick to fire them higher?