Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which?

I have a pair of LRS+ and after playing with the set-up positioning for a while I have finally found the spot where everything aspect of the sound is right apart from the treble: it is simply too high, and is tiresome after a couple of records.

But Magnepan knows it and fit a pair of sockets to allow the user to play with 10W resistors, ranged from 1 to 2 Ohm.

The resistors that come with the speakers are not the best and some users refer that they affect the sound too much.

So I wonder, what are the best resistors to fit in the LRS+ ?


Putting a resistor on Maggies to solve a HF problem would be a last resort for me.  Placement, toe in or toe out, different amp, tone controls, PEQ, etc., would all be tried first.

I find that the 0.25 ohm resistor has zero impact on detail, sounstage, imaging… from what I’ve read just a very, very gradual roll off from about 800hz up which in my case tames the slight brightness/sibilance in a way I can both live with and afford.

The Magna Risors were a tremendous upgrade to the LRS+. raising the speaker off the ground was a big benefit and also the jumper that Magna Risors provided as a bonus also made a very nice improvement.

I used a Sanders Magtech with the LRS+ and Audience FrontRow speaker cables. The system became very good after the Magna Risors.

@yyzsantabarbara  What kind of improvement did you hear with the Magna Risers? I have mine on the floor tilted forward and find them to be extraordinary. 

@audiofilo123  I am really surprised to hear that. I am very sensitive to excessive energy in the upper mid to HFs. I replaced Caladans, KEF Reference, and Fyne F1-8 with the LRS+ and couldn't be happier. I think the upstream components might be a problem. I have a Backert tubed pre, an AGD amp, and using Zavfino speaker cables. I also replaced the fuses with ceramic fuses (not audiofile). The sound is rich, detailed, transparent, has shape, depth, but not at all fatiguing. I think AGD amps and Maggies are a great combination.

@pureclarity I also have a Belles Soloist 1 integrated amp and it is one of the less successful combinations in my system. The sound is too stressed, with no sense of power and body - compared with the Vincent or the Naim combo. Also the Belles gets too hot.

My goal is to tame the highs on the LRS+ without any changes, just by adjusting the position in the room and playing with the resistors.

The design of Magnepans (that comes from the factory) can be improved, and it is very easy to point things that can be improved on the crossover, binding posts, fuse holder, etc… but there are many user that have them playing great without any changes to those parts. So that is my benchmark - the stock LRS+ - and is that speaker that I want to improve in a “passive” way.

What is you Belles model and what speaker cables are you using?