Magnepan LRS

First time posting here. Two questions- 

1. Looking for comments/thoughts on LRS. 
2. Can these speakers be driven with a Carver M1.0t

I know this is a vintage amp, so not certain if I should have posted this here or in the vintage forum. FWIW - I picked this amp up a few years ago at a garage sale for $15.......obviously a real bargain......thanks. Ron. 
LRS are mini maggies but they need real, adult amplification that can deliver substantial current into low impedance

leaving aside power needs, LRS will also reveal any poor quality in the signal being fed to it

iirc carver m1.0t has issues with thermal overload

not a good pairing i would say

LRS and speakers like it are interesting... 600-700 bucks for the speakers, but you need a couple grand of serious amplification to do it justice
Then I guess that my dynaco stereo 70 would even be worse.........ughhhh. Thanks for the feedback. 
Fantastic speaker for the $.
Just as important as the amplifier is the room you put them in.

You might want to consider the Crown XLS 1502 amp.
The Crown will drive the LRS speakers without breaking the bank.
The dimensions of the LRS maybe smaller compared to other Magnepans but I certainly wouldn’t call them ‘mini’.

Big open sound you only get from panel speakers. So I say if you have the room and are curious you can make it work.