Magnepan tonearm


I posted some time ago about an old Micro Seiki turntable (BL21) that I purchased w/ a Magnepan Unitrac tonearm. I just purchased another turntable, a Systemdek 2X2 (similar to the current Audio Note 1 table), and moved the Magnepan to the Systemdek. Even with a budget Grado, this combination is quite impressive, and an improvement from what I thought was quite decent sound with the Micro Seiki. Very coherent, with a nice midrange. Perhaps not the best LF, but only compared w/ much more expensive vinyl rigs. The Systemdek came w/ a Rega armboard, which fit the Magnepan. However, I understand that the ideal mounting distance for the Magnepan is slightly off with the Rega armboard. I asked this question once before here or at AA, but does anyone know what adjustments I should make to the armboard to get the Magnepan in an ideal setup? Thanks,


Showing 2 responses by jhorowitz128

Here is the relevant information.

Also, read the complete thread.
Hope this helps.

The mounting distance is not 224mm. That is the pivot to spindle distance....the pivot and mounting hole are different distances from the spindle. Look at where the actual pivot is and you'll see that it's not over the mounting hole.

The spindle to mounting hole is ~220mm.