Magneplanar 1.7s to Recruit New Audiophile?

I may be asked for advice on an office/retreat system over a garage or poolhouse to be completed this summer.

Although the budget could be $5-10K plus, this would presumably be if domineering wives or architects were expecting an array of in wall speakers, Creston touch panels and multi channel home theatre junk blah blah blah.

There is hope, however, because this person genuinely loves music and movies.

Therefore, I am hoping to somehow propose the following:

* Oppo Blu Ray / Universal player
* Lenovo or Apple notebook for Pandora, music and movies
* Benchmark DAC / Pre 1
* Odyssey Khartago Monoblocks
* Magneplanar 1.7s
* Signal Cable cables throughout
* Sony LED HDTV from Costco

If anyone thinks they could do better for the money, please let me know,but to me, that would be a great little system for music or movies!
The MHDT, well in person, does not look home made. It sounds fantastic, and I tried many.

I think you will find many, many, many Benchmark comments where they think it's bright, mainly because it really is.

With a warm system, it would work very well I am sure.

I also loved the Bryston BDA-1 when I owned it, and have heard the Wyred4Sound DAC2 recently, and thought it sounded stellar as well.
Gosh, CW, poking through old threads while lazing about on vacation, occurs to me that I have both a MHDT Havana and a Bryston 4b-st lying about, in the box, just waiting for me to get off my lazy butt and try to sell them (a date that I have successfully put off for years, mostly 'cause I don't seem to want to part with them although I'm not even using them...). But, before I do -- once you get the Tympanis fired up again -- sounds like perhaps I should bring them by for a try...? My money's on the Levinson, but why guess?

I think you will find many many many Benchmark comments stating how fine the DAC1 is, not bright at all.

And I've commented in the past about your multiple multiple anti-Benchmark comments - two in this thread alone.

I'm sure you're just trying to be helpful and you hear what you hear, but others hear what they hear but don't go around restating it multiple multiple times.