03-10-09: RauliruegasOK, then the vendor was lying. On a different note, the Nagaoka headshell I linked to looks just like the Sumiko and LPGear ZuPreme models, right down to the azimuth adjustment. As you say, that headshell is 14g. I just weighed my Sumiko.
Dear Isanchez: It is not only that the magnesium headshell works beter because the magnesium but because the original Nagaoka ( magnesium ) has a weight of 10 grs.
Btw, those Nagaoka that you can see around ( including the one Johnny53 posted )are not made by Nagaoka, are not made of magnesium but aluminum and weight over 14grs.
If it's low weight headshell the OP is going for, there are also some wooden Yamamotos that get down to 8g, and the Technics headshell is the lightest I've come across at 7.5g. You can replace the Technics' crappy cartridge leads with silk-wound OFC ones from LPGear for $15.95.
Ortofon also has this wooden headshell that weighs 9.5g.