Magtech Amplifier

Dear All,
Can you please give me your opinion on the Magtech Stereo amp from Sanders Sound System? This amp can output 500w/ channel. I'm also interested in his Magtech mono blocks. However, the power output 1600W is a bit scarry for my Kef205/2
It's hot to the point that keeping your hand there for more that 10 seconds starts
to be painful.
This is when the speakers are being pushed, and I like the volume up .
I do know Mr Sanders told me that maggies are very power hungry, and take a
lot of watts when they are pushed loud.
Maybe it's time for the mono versions...
Just concerned that this may be shortening the life of the amp, given all the heat.
Maybe it's nothing to worry about...
Mine are warm and I play my hybrid stats pretty loud. They (I have a pair) get much warmer than at idle, but I cannot say they are hot.
It sounds like you may have a problem with high frequency (ultrasonic) instability. This may be caused by your speaker cables. Roger has a white paper about that on his web site and says that can cause the amp to run hot. I have to of his amps and they have never even gotten warm to the touch. I would recommend calling Roger and discussing it with him.
agree on cables. those amps are oscillating if thye are hot. Check the rubber feet to make sure they ar not melting.
If a Thermal Trak transistor fails it will cause the amplifier to run very hot on that channel even on idle. The entire top of the amplifier will be hot but if a measurement is taken one side will be hotter than the other unless there has been a failure on that channel too.

I am not sure if there is a situation where a Thermal Trak transistor not working properly but not completely failed will only show up when the load is demanding. If anyone has a problem with a Magtech amplifier they should call or email Roger Sanders. He is very responsive.

It is especially helpful if you can report actual temperatures instead of relative terms (e.g. hot). A multi-meter with a temperature probe is one useful option to measure temperature.