Major innovative break through: The new NSMT Loudspeakers reference speaker

In the next two weeks my Stereo Times review on the new NSMT Loudspeakers reference System Two will be posted. I wanted to give a heads-up to the GON members because I consider the System Two, which is composed of the Clairvoyant Monitor and SUB-DUO active band-pass subwoofer platforms to be a revolutionary break through both in performance and retail price $15,985. For example I compare the NSMT System Two to a great speaker, the Stenheim Alumine Five SE Dynamic Loudspeaker, and found the NSMT System Two to be superior in it's performance. Punch line- The Stenheim Alumine retails for $72,000! For all the details of why I came to the above conclusions take a look at the review when it is posted. 

Terry London (Teajay)


Without really dwelling on this I am not a fan of the original post or this thread. Seems to me that not only is this reviewer calling attention to his review but also getting free advertising for a product. I will assume that since no one has questioned things to this point I am the only one that finds this questionable.

I do like the design philosophy behind these speakers.


Great write up, check out our listing as we are selling a ex demo SE edition of the NSMT Clairvoyant sub duo at well below retail! 

Without actually hearing the speaker system being put forward, and reading a post on an intenet forum is not hearing, all talk of excellence or otherwise is just talk.

I doubt that many will get to hear this speaker to give meaningful corroborative testimony. My thought was that KEF utilised the bandpass woofer cancept 30 years ago and they do not use it now.

Only some advertising is good it seems. Mere association can be damning even to the innocent. I would ask this reviewer to stop posting in this fashion.