Making speakers sound tonally similar with an equalizer

Can two different speakers be made to sound similar by adjusting their frequency response to mirror each other with an equalizer? I'm sure it's not as simple as that but would it be possible. 

Can one, for example, reproduce a harbeth like sound by doing that?

Just curious.


Don’t know,  but a 4 band EQ has been a Godsend for me since my hearing is deteriorating.  

Speakers can have very different sound "signatures" e,g,

  • some might sound natural
  • some might sound "boxy"
  • some might sound "dull"
  • some sound "lively"

That type of difference cannot be rectified with an equalizer

If one speaker is brighter sounding, you might be able to correct for that with an equalizer - that’s about it.

There are even different sound signatures even between models within a product line from the same manufacturer.

In fact, I cannot even remember liking all models from a single manufacturer to date.

The closest I have come to liking most speakers in a product line is Tannoy

Regards - Steve

OK. Figured there would be some unique sound signatures that cannot be duplicated easily and I presume is mostly sound emanating from the enclosure, construction, etc.