Manley Chinook

I currently own a Whest Two and am considering the recently released Manley Chinook. Has anyone had any experience they can share on this phono stage? Can anyone cite comparisons to other phono stages at this price point?

Showing 5 responses by stevecham

Ah, the slippery slope...

Any suggestions on the tube rolling front?

Also, just for fun I tried a number of different capacitance settings this morning, best is at 0 pf so this supports the idea that MCs, at least this model, don't benefit from added capacitance in the phono stage.
Just traded in my beloved EAR 834P Deulxe for this phono stage, purchased new, so it hasn't had enough time to really break in yet. I run a Lyra Argo i and have the phono pre set on the MC setting at 100 Ohms, 0 capacatiance. Opening the unit up to make this setting chance was total eye candy, so beautifully it is built from high quality components. From a build quality perspective alone, it greatly exceeds the 834P.

Initial impressions after 10 sides of vinyl playing in a variety of styles indicate:

1) tighter and deeper bass
2) increased low level detail retrieval
3) about the same width and height of soundstage, but there are times when the width becomes "larger" than the room dimensions
4) deeper soundstage, a bit more foraward but also backward into the front wall
5) markedly improved dynamics, possibly due to the White configuration with the 6922 tubes in the driver stage, this one aspect is most noticeable between the 834P and this phono stage
6)my DG pressing of Martha Argerich/Abbado demonstrates how more accurate piano reproduction is, this alone make a compelling reason to move up to this stage if that is important to you
7) Classic Records Dave Brubeck Take Five: wow, the piano has never sounded as defined and natural, the bass moves the room and the brush textures on the drum kit are all there and palpable; I can feel the sounds on my skin so my sense that the reproduction of low level ambient cues and timbre is greater, my wife concurred
8) overall noise floor is substantially lower, this helps with the increased and apparent dynamic range

So far I am quite pleased with this upgrade and I will comment again after a week of break in has occured.

Manley does take it to another level.
Thanks Whart, very generous of you! After watching Eva Anna discuss how they select and burn in tubes for their manufacuring, I think I will let the Chinook simply burn in with, and enjoy, the stock tubes that came with it and see how that plays out efore swapping in alternates. Had a long listening session with audio friends Tuesday night and it keeps sounding better with time.

Now considering a Jumbo Shrimp and Snappers...
Chinook continues to break in on day 10; last night listening and the soundstage is even larger than a week ago. Bass also improved and I still can't believe the detail retrieval and how much I was missing earlier.

Decided to trade in my CJ CAV50 for Jumbo Shrimp and Snappers to complete the tube based upgrade.
Thiel 2.4

I have to say now on day three of this system is revelatory and it's not even broken in.