Manley Steelhead vs. Allnic H3000

Hello all -  I currently own a Steelhead and I've had the urge to upgrade (despite the fact that I love the sound I have now... you know how it is). I only want to do this if I'm going to get a significant upgrade and at first I was looking at the much ballyhooed IO Eclipse and VPS 100 (I like tubes in my phono) because they are both available second hand near me now at a reachable price for me. But I generally run two, sometimes three arms (it's possible that I enjoy the dicking around as much as the listening...), and I feel like I'd quickly get annoyed with the one input scenario (worried about the heat and mass of tubes with IO as well great though I'm sure it sounds). The Allnic H3000 is also available at a good price - it would give me the inputs I want and also balanced outs which I'd like (though I'd lose the Steelhead's mono switch which I use a lot). I know many rated the Allnic very highly back when it was current. I'm curious for feedback from anyone with experience of both the Steelhead and the H3000 as to whether the Allnic would be a noticeable step up or not.
