Manly Jumbo shrimp & chinook or MW LS_100

hey guys

Trying to decide. Manley Shrimp with Chinook phono stage or ModWright LS_100 with phono stage. I am using a MW 9.0 se swlp at the moment.


I currently have the Jumbo Shrimp and have been around Modwright stuff.

Both products have fairly different presentations. If you seek more of a modern type of sound, the Modwright would be the way to go. The Manley is richer, and more of a flesh on the bones kind of sound. That came as a bit of a surprise to me, as it's different than their typical amplifier. Then again, I would think they would balance one another, and prove complementary.

Only you can decided which sound better suits you.
We need more information to help you. at this point. Be effusive not brief.