Manufacturer checkups

This question is in reference to an older preamp I recently purchased with which I have had no prior experience. Some classifieds state the item was recently check out by the manufacturer and given a "clean bill of health". With an older item that has no functional or visual problems and no obvious sonic deficits, is getting that item checked out worth while?
Not in my mind, if only for the shipping risk. If a phone call w the s/n does not indicate any possible problems or "unadvertised updates", I wouldn't do it, but I'm not all that anal about my gear.
I found that many "check out by manufacturer" really mean the item has been sent to manufacturer for repair.

I suggest you ask the seller exactly what has been checked if you are interested in purchasing.
Hmm. I echo Sidssp's sentiments. I'd be leary of that classified description as well and ask the seller what warranted the trip back to the manufacturer.

From my own experience sometimes I've gotten gear that had been sitting dormant for years without being powered up. If I had easy access to the original manufacturer I'd send the piece of equipment to have them review it. Otherwise it would go to a very competent tech to check the item out. I'd do this though if I was really attached to the piece of equipment or if it were an expensive item that I would sell.
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