Marantz 50 vs 30

Long story short: having a really hard time picking between model 50 and model 30. Just bought a Marantz CD50n and want to get one of these to pair with it. Both models are nicely discounted. 50 is $900, 30 is $1800. Will be using with Harbeth HL5+ and maybe KEF R3 or something in that ballpark. Mostly listen to streaming, I'm not using MC cartridges and the MM phono stage in the 50 is good enough for me. 

Model 30 pros & cons

  • pride of ownership - made in Japan, superior build quality, metal remote, little light behind the floating face plate, etc.. Might hold value better, last longer, and make me less likely to upgrade later (maybe). 
  • more power - my speakers are super demanding and my room isn't that big but it never hurts to have more power on tap
  • Class D, more "audiophile" sounding, more detail, less noise, etc, but also potentially a little cooler and leaner sound than the class A/B model 50

Model 50 pros & cons

  • Price - $900 seems like insane value for a really well built amp 
  • class a/b could be a warmer punchier sound if a little less refined? 
  • "matches" the cd50n 
  • made in Vietnam not Japan, not as nicely built (plastic remote, no backlight, etc...) 
  • less power (but probably don't need it) 

Long story: 

Lost my hifi in recent fires here in LA. Got some insurance money to rebuild so allocating some of that towards new gear. Used to have JBL L112s and Klipsch Heresy II with Line Magnetic KT88 based integrated, bluesound node, denafrips ares II DAC, Technics SL1200. LOVED my set up but also excited to try some new stuff. Less boxes = less cable clutter, less $$ on cables, less stuff to plug into AC. Also a believer that well integrated streamer/DAC can sound as good as more expensive separates. synergy is guaranteed. 

The Harbeths came up used and couldn't pass the deal up. Also listened to the the KEF R3 meta at best buy and was really impressed. They were being driven by a Marantz Model 40n and sounded AMAZING. I was pretty much ready to take that set up home. 40N seems great - one box, made in Japan, sounds great, price is right, HDMI in in case I want to throw up a projector or TV and watch the occasional movie. But I didn't like not being able to separate my source from my amp.

I have some nice tube gear so the CD50n seemed like a versatile piece that would allow me to get a good quality stream, CD playback, HDMI in and I can use it with different amps/preamps. I want a good reliable, powerful SS integrated that will work with a wide variety of speakers. The model 50 is supposedly the analog only version of the 40n but it's made in Vietnam not Japan (I shouldn't care but I kind of do?) and since the 40n  sounded great to me, I figured the 50 will be just as good if not better but I can't help but think that for less than $1k more I'm getting a much better amp in the model 30. 

What do you all think? 


How much were those Harbeths originally? Take that number and use it as your price guide for your integrated. Synergy is the name of the game. Those are some Nice speakers take your time and research who they play best with. I’m sorry I am not educated enough to give you a good answer but someone here will come along and help I’m sure. Just a thought, start a thread that ask what works best with such and such model Harbeth. Once again, so sorry about your 🔥. Hopefully your new system will bring you great joy and help minimize your loss.

Thanks gkelly, I know what you mean about synergy. I've done some research on what pairs well with the Harbeths and answers are a little bit all over the place but from what I can tell, a neutral SS amp capable of delivering lots of current should work well. Hegel was recommended. If budget were not limiting factor I would probably get a Luxman, Accuphase, or high end Yamaha, seems like the model 30 might be a good fit to let the character of the speakers come through. 

I don't think price is a good way to choose. Some relatively affordable speakers can really benefit from high end electronics and some expensive speakers (Klipsch) can actually be really forgiving with quality but not necessarily very expensive amps. 

If you can find an NOS or good condition PM8006 I might think about that as an option. I have one and it is very good, made in the Japan Reference Factory at Shirakawa. I am very happy with it and got it after having a 8005 driving Kef R300s. The Kefs sound quite good with it as well as some Ohms I have.  I am going to move it to my office system and have been looking at replacements including the 50 and 30. The 50 actually looks like the 8006 reconfigured into the new Marantz aesthetic. From the back it looks very much like the 8006 almost a perfect match. I am interested more in the 30 but have never heard it but the reviews are all quite good. I am looking for more power primarily for my Ohm Walsh 2000s. The only issue with the 30 is it only supports 1 set of speakers. But $1800 is a good price. The best I have found is $2500 but at $1800 new I would buy it right away.

I tried out the model 50 compared against my Arcam A15, and for the retail price of $1800 it was a little underwhelming. The phono stage sounded really good. The tone controls were meh and sounded better with them off/pure direct mode. (To my ears) there wasn’t enough difference between the model 50 and the Arcam to justify spending the additional money, but for $900 its a really good deal. 

IMO, the model 30 is hypex class D modules and the retail price of $3000 seems a bit high for off the shelf 3rd party amp parts. it has much more power than the 50 but I’m not sure most “audiophiles” would say the class D is the most “audiophile” sound. For almost half price though, the model 30 looks like a good deal!