Marantz PM10 class D amp

Hi every one. I am in the market for a new amp.
Because of WAF, I have to go with integrated amps :( , but I just have to live with it.
My speakers are a pair of KEF ref1s with matching stands. My source is the SONY HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res HDD Audio Player.
My interconnects and speaker wires are mostly from AudioQuest.
I have narrow down to the following integrated amps (after a long search):
1. Lyngdorf tdai 3400
2. Yamaha AS3000
3. Marantz PM10 Class D
4. Mark Levinson integrated 383

I could found tons of review for every amps except the Marantz PM10 (very few reviews).
So, if any one has experience with the Marantz, please let me know. What it sound like, and what is its characteristic ??

Also, which amps will be the correct choice for my current set up ?

Thanks so much, it is wonderful to be a part of this audio community !! God bless you all !!
$8000 integrated for $8000 speakers?

Lyngdorf tdai 3400

Not good enough for even 16Bit (though music playing will mask it), plus super poor channel matching in regards to noise.

Yamaha AS3000
Specs even state it’s not good enough for 16Bit (again, music will mask the noise/distortion); that’s however at max output, so we don’t know how it performs at say 50W.

Marantz PM10
If it’s similar/better to the Marantz PM-KI-Pearl that Stereophile reviewer/measured, its excellent (and right about good enough for 16Bit with no masking needed).

Mark Levinson integrated 383
Close to the Marantz PM-KI-Pearl 

I mean, being limited to an integrated is the main issue. A $250 SMSL SU-8 DAC/Pre paired with a $1500 stereo Hypex amp assembled by James Romeyn would easily outperform all those on your list.
yes, I am willing to spend anywhere around $8,000-$9,000 for an integrated amp if it is good enough.

I currently have a separate system consisted of ARC preamp + Mark Levinson 27.5. These sound great except that they have to go cause I am moving to a smaller apartment, and we simply don't have space for them anymore. Plus, my wife does not want to see some bulky amp + preamp sitting on top of our tv stand :(

Base on your suggestion though, I will cross the Lyngdorf off my list.

One more amp I am also looking at is the Mcintosh MA5300 Integrated Amplifier. I wonder how it is going to sound, comparing to other int. solution. 
I wouldn’t be too quick to eliminate options just based on on-paper specs. If that were the case, no one would be buying any tube components. That aside, I’ve only heard two of the components on your list, Marantz PM10 and the ML383 - as well as ML585, but not with KEFs. The PM10 was paired with the Golden Ear Reference and I found the sound hyper-detailed for my taste. Great for the first 10-15 minutes but I felt it lacked musicality. The ML383 was paired with several different speakers including Revel Studio, Harbeth 30.1, and a Paradigm - not sure about the model. It sounded dynamic, musical, and extremely fluid almost regardless of the speakers. The ML585 sounded very similar to the ML383 but it seemed to have a slightly better bass response. If you like the Levinson sound, you’ll not be disappointed with either the ML383 or ML585. You can pick up a used ML585 within your budget.
Good luck.

P.S. I would add T+A elektroakustik HV Series integrated to the list. They seem to get great reviews.
Marantz PM 10 has Ncore module from Hypex for power section but not sure how good is its pre department. If you are not tight on your budget, get a Pass Labs INT 150.