It’s always nice on this journey when one stumbles and looks down and sees a nice Nugget of gold.
Marantz PM8005 as preamp
Interesting discovery:
I’ve been playing with all my gear in a new house and listening room. Trying to find best sound. I have a pair of JBL studio 530’s, Heco Aurora 300’s , and my best is Yamaha NS-200MA’s.
I have a pioneer elite A-35R which is really good for what it is, a Rotel RC-995 with a RB-930AX and RB-850, and also a marantz PM-8005.
the Rotel pre/power sounds really good, but I connected my marantz pm8005 as a preamp only to the 930AX, and it is better than the 995.
I believe the amp section of the 8005 holds back the excellent preamp in that unit. Allconnected to the yamaha NS-200MA’sproperly setup in my room sounds absolutely fantastic. Anyway, I’m stoked.
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