Marantz SA-1 holding up well agains next gen.?

How do people feel the Marantz SA-1 is holding up against some of the newer SACD and redbook players? I am particularly interested in comparison with the SA-11s1. Thanks.

Steve, I get a toothache just thinking about having 40 digital sources over the course of 2 years. How can one get a grip on anything when changing that often? Most people who want the best feel it's better to start with something that's killer and be done with it, instead of going through endless updates and flavor of the week. But hey, maybe that's just me. All I'm doing is enjoying the music, grinning ear to ear :-)

Happy Hanukkah, Steve.

Hi Smilin
Would you mind giving us differences between APL 3910 and ModWright 3910 please ? MW preamp and Examplar ?
Post removed 
Brian, I hear ya buddy, but hey, I am workin it, how bout you? Riemyo your flavor of the month now? Ya got your system working properly yet? I remember when I got to your placde exactly at 1 pm, the time you requested, there was a note saying you were running late, so, I went to pick up a couple bottles of BV Tapestry, 1997, 100 a bottle. When I went to find them in you kitchen, I could not. You put them in the FREEZER........whoa nelly....I look at fine audio, like fine wine...I gotta take care of it properly. I remember this cause, WOW, was I looking forward to hearing your AMAZING system. I also remember your teling me excuses why your system sounded so off that day.

Talk about disappointment. Then you continually snub your nose at MY SYSTEM, well I tell you, it is not only MY opinion, but that of a few others who heard yours that same day. These people felt my IYO, inferior system sounded as good or better than your 100K plus system.

Remember when we were playing Chuck Mangione, Children of sanchez, and when the Bass drums came on, your speakers almost collapsed? You RAN to the Blowtorch to turn it down. I dunno, but I was not impressed, especially with your condensending attitude towards my system, which is a work in progress. Yeah, buddy, keep up the great work. I will invite ya over in a couple more months, when I am done. Than you can really tell me whatcha think.

Remember Brian, Big dollar systems do not mean they are supperior, they just mean they cost more. I have not said anything about that day, but, buddy, keep your house cleaner, man, when I was looking for the wine, I opened your frig, and WHOA, mold, gross mold. All I can advise is to get yoru house in order, and your priorities sorted out. Thats my New Years resolution. I would be more than happy to come by again, but, only after the cleaning crews been inn. I was itching for a week buddy, oh, I almost forgot....what was the deal with the accusations of someone stealing the Nils Lofgren cd?, YOU left it in my player........anyway, thanks for all the knowledge you imparted.

Meery Christmas, and Happy New Year
