Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!

I've been hearing and reading all I can about this player during this last year. I have a 6005 right now and it's a nice player but not as good as my analog rig (10k) so it's not a fair comparison. Elizabeth mentioned that her SA-10 is better than her analog. I will be comparing the 2 SACD players side by side. I have at least 3 CD's in which I have duplicates. I'm fascinated about how the circuitry upsamples to DSD SACD. Well not exactly but somehow an improvement over Redbook CD. I have a 2" thick maple block coming in the same day for it. It's going to be a long weekend. I know it can't work miracles on all CD's. If there is jitter in the recording then supposedly you will never get that out. Speak up if I'm wrong about that.
I have a PS Audio P1000 power regenerater that is hooked up to everything except my amp which is plugged in the wall. I have always loved my music loud. I do wear earmuffs while I mow the yard. Lol. About the db levels. I switched 4 months ago from an iphone 6 to an LG V30 and sticking with the same app Decible X the levels seem to be 6-9 dbs louder on the V30. 
I have read the Maggie's sound good at low volume. Good choice for apartments. The OHM 5000's do need some volume to sound their best. I also wonder if all frequencies of sound are equally damaging to hearing. Because now everything is cleaner and clear so not much ear fatigue.
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I wish I hadnt sold my old rat shack meter on eBay back in 06. Im gifting my son my old Bryston amp ,preamp 8005 player. He only has to buy speakers and Maggie's is one I suggested to him since he is in an apartment.