I do not wish to comment on the SA-14 but I can say that I prefer the XA777ES to the Marantz SA-1.
While the SA-1 is a fantastic player, after a few months with it, I realized it was too hyper-detailed in my system. It has much the same characteristic as the Sony SCD-1 and 777ES in that regard. Initially very impressive but fatiguing in the long run.
After the Marantz, I went back to Redbook only players for a while.
However, I recently purchased a XA777ES. I must say that as it is now well broken in, the Sony XA777ES has much more ease than the Marantz SA-1 - more of an analog character and still maintains very good detail. It is not as magical on Redbook CD's as an Audio Aero Capitole or an AudioMeca Mephisto but it has that same feel... it really wants to be less digital sounding than previous SACD offerings from Sony and Marantz - and it makes a valiant effort.
Tonally the Sony XA777ES is not perfect - the SA-1 might be slightly better in that regard - in fact, I like the tone of the Marantz SA-1 but as I said, the Sony makes up for it with its ease & pace. For a $2-->3,000 CD player it is as good as almost any high end player at sucking you into the music. With the Marantz, I couldn't relax - I couldn't drift into the music. I just sat on my couch amazed - with my eyes popping out of my head as I listened to all the things I never heard before - sounds flying all over the room. While that was fun, it was a different way of listening to music and ultimately not the way I like to listen.
Compared to the Marantz SA-1, SACD is not as outwardly impressive on the XA777ES to untrained ears. If you listen to a few of the top Redbook players before you listen to the Sony, you will quickly understand what Sony was trying to build when they engineered this player. It is different.
While the SA-1 is a fantastic player, after a few months with it, I realized it was too hyper-detailed in my system. It has much the same characteristic as the Sony SCD-1 and 777ES in that regard. Initially very impressive but fatiguing in the long run.
After the Marantz, I went back to Redbook only players for a while.
However, I recently purchased a XA777ES. I must say that as it is now well broken in, the Sony XA777ES has much more ease than the Marantz SA-1 - more of an analog character and still maintains very good detail. It is not as magical on Redbook CD's as an Audio Aero Capitole or an AudioMeca Mephisto but it has that same feel... it really wants to be less digital sounding than previous SACD offerings from Sony and Marantz - and it makes a valiant effort.
Tonally the Sony XA777ES is not perfect - the SA-1 might be slightly better in that regard - in fact, I like the tone of the Marantz SA-1 but as I said, the Sony makes up for it with its ease & pace. For a $2-->3,000 CD player it is as good as almost any high end player at sucking you into the music. With the Marantz, I couldn't relax - I couldn't drift into the music. I just sat on my couch amazed - with my eyes popping out of my head as I listened to all the things I never heard before - sounds flying all over the room. While that was fun, it was a different way of listening to music and ultimately not the way I like to listen.
Compared to the Marantz SA-1, SACD is not as outwardly impressive on the XA777ES to untrained ears. If you listen to a few of the top Redbook players before you listen to the Sony, you will quickly understand what Sony was trying to build when they engineered this player. It is different.