Mark Levinson 37 transport or new cdp today..?

Hi all,

Considering purchasing a dedicated transport for my system, and had in mind a 2nd hand Mark Levinson No.37.

My question is - how does a ML No.37 (given its age) stack up against even something like a Rega Apollo(transport section only) these days? 10 years is a long long time in digital, and I'm wondering if a relatively inexpensive CDP today like the Apollo (as a transport) or another (new) transport would better the older ML No.37?

Budget is a factor for me - I can probably only spend around 1K (maybe $1200USD) used or new, which is why I was thinking of something like an Apollo..

Can anyone provide me with their thoughts pls ? =)

I currently have a Meridian 598 (DVD transport) running (via coax digital) directly into a Meridian 568.2mm. Whilst the Meridian 598 is ok, I've seen a few posts here from people who've own it who've advised it is a bit uninvolving compared to other players. I know for example that even compared to my older, far cheaper, Rega Planet, that, the Meridian 598 seems to lack definite 'involvement'/boogie factor in the music, even considering the Rega is a far far cheaper player.

Wondering if a new source (transport) may be the answer.

Appreciate people's thoughts as to whether older (reference) transports such as Mark Levinson are still worth it today, compared to the transport sections of new 2010 model cd players? (Price considered given my budget =)


My Reference 31.5 transport and 30.6 DAC were easily bested by the P.S. Audio Perfect Wave Transport and DAC.

Sgr, I would be very interested in a bit more info on how the PS Audio compared to this great classic gear (which I have heard many times).
I have the facts. I've been in the audio business for over 25 years. A company that charges like Levinson does should have better support. I don't blame the old Levinson but I do blame Harman who couldn't care less about customers. I know for a fact that our Shure rep had all of their Harman products taken away from them because they wouldn't drop Shure and replace it with a Harman product.

Tony a friend has the Perfect Wave DAC and transport and they do sound very good.
Irvrobinson I had an interesting talk with the Harman guys at CEDIA and they acknowledged they had had a problem with their service but assured me things have been improved. And they no longer charge upfront for service. So, I owe you an apology. They also had a great setup at the show.
My father has a 39 cd player and it broke, and they pre charged him a grand just to look, then another $1,300.00 to fix the problem. He was not happy. I suggest a Bel canto CD2 used on AG , very nice as a transport[its what I use] good luck, chris