Mark Levinson 39 or Wadia 830 for direct to amp?

As you know, both of these players have volume control. Which would sonically pair better going direct into a Proceed Amp 2: Mark Levinson 39 or Wadia 830? Speakers are Revel F30’s. 
my concern with either of those would be the age of them and if something should happen and it needs to be fixed.....can it be ? and if it can, what is that going to cost (factor in shipping both ways / parts / labor ).

Wadia… but that is because I actively like the sound of Wadia and actively do not like the house sound of Mark Levinson (too sterile).
The ML 39 uses a cdm12 industrial transport. The wadia uses the pioneer 1343 stable platter—same as the theta miles. I googled both and there are replacements out there, but I don’t think the parts are made anymore. Cost for these replacements appear to be consistent around $250-300. Since the preamp I got didn’t work out, I think I’m rushing on just resolving the problem by just going with a cdp with good volume control. Cd is my reference, but I still stream via irDAC and ipad to discover new music. There is a mcintosh ma6450 local to me I may check out and see how it sounds with the revels. If it gels, I’ll likely sell the proceed and then likely checkout new players or go with a newer transport.