Sorry Lev, but I'm with Chas. I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to audio, and I have come to rely on much of the information shared on this site. There are many experienced, intelligent, and giving individuals here. Sure, many are biased to a certain brand, for whatever reason. Yet it seems most approach other's opinions and comments with an open mind. However, in your case, you are so single-minded that I need not even read any of your replies, they all say the same thing, ML is great, anything else sucks! That type of attitude detracts from the actual purpose of these forums. If I've been too harsh I apologize. I believe your experience and love of this hobby makes you a very important addition here, but without flexibility and an open mind your opinions regarding anything but comparing Levinson products head to head is useless. I'm sorry I don't feel qualified to comment on your technical questions. Continued good listening.
Mark Levinson 39
I started a thread two weeks ago asking if I should keep my 38 preamp when I buy the levinson 39 and I got a couple of rude replys? Why? I want to stay all levinson I have tried alot of gear and I like that the best and by stating that I had a reply saying I should be a poster boy for Levinson. Those kind of comments are not Mature ones and of no help to my question. there are a lot of good players on the market but I own a 335 and a 38 which I will sell when I get the 39. Question: WHAT WILL I GAIN SONICLY WITH THE 39 OVER THE THETA MILES 38 COMBO. Question:WILL RUNNING THE 39 DIRECT BLOW THE 38 AND THE THETA AWAY? Iuse martin logan sl3s
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