Mark. Levinson New Pre-amp

Here is a link for a new product i just saw when tooling around the Levinson Website: A new Pre-Amp

I would imagine this means the end of the 38X series of pre-amps.

Now maybe i can afford to pick up a used one afer the prices Tumble. Am i right in assuming that there are no upgrade paths/trade ins.
That is actually an update of a current product, the No. 32 Reference preamp. It sits above the No. 38 series, so I would imagine that would continue.
the 320S is not an upgrade of the 32 as it lists for 7995 -- too close in price to the 380S for both to go on existing, especially given the re-organization
My apologies, I misread. However I still see reference to the No. 38 series, perhaps it will be in between 38 and 32.
I spoke with my dealer who confirmed that the 380 and 380S are both being discontinued with the introduction of the 320S. The 320s is expected to begin shipping early to mid 2004.

I would expect that good deals will be had on used 380 and 380S' once the 320S is introduced.