Mark Levinson/Revel Support is tops

Mark Levinson/Revel support and service at Harman Specialty Group provide some of the best product support I've found. I'm writing to let you know that you can get help with Levinson equipment quite easily.

HSG has a group of audiophiles/engineers devoted to providing service for Levinson electronics and Revel speakers, revamping the current lines, and develping new products that maintain and enhance the Levinson/Revel name. Jamie Cohen is head of service there and is one of the most helpful,informative audio-engineers/audiophiles you could ever hope to meet or talk with. If he can't answer your question he'll find someone who can.
If you have a problem start by contacting Richard below you'll get your problem solved.
Richard Krehmeyer
Senior Technical Support Representative
Customer Support Technical Services
Harman Specialty Group
781 280 0300

Concerning Revel, call the above number, and ask to talk with Revel service. There is a good chance you might even talk with Kevin Voecks the designer or the Revel line. He can give lots of help hints on getting the most from your system.

I know there were some concerns during the transition of the company as things were sorted out, but I would not hesitate to buy Mark Levinson equipment today either new or aftermarket on Audiogon.
I agree, their support and service is quick given the transition the company went through. The emails I have sent have been answered quickly and thorougly. My 390S player was sent back for service and they had it fixed within a week although it was covered under warranty. Some folks have stated the out of pocket repair costs can be pretty high.
it sounded like an advertisment of mark levison..
i have negative experience instead of good, i have been long time, mark levinson fan and have owned many high end product of them,, but when i needed service and answers, nothing but trouble and kept turning around by them,,up to the repair ,, they took so long that i ended up buying other product,,bad bad bad,
I have to side here with Tidybear. Although I'm indeed happy Levinson 390S cd-player, 334 power amp and Revel Studio owner, the hell I went through when upgrading from 39 cd-player to 390S was beyond anything I have experienced. The service for 390S recently took 2 months as well. The point here is that as ML operates through distributors and dealers outside the US, we non-Americans are subjected to whatever a local distributor/dealer throws to our direction - and here in Benelux in not great.
