Market Stabilization?

Anyone else notice that ‘sales’ are creeping back into the market for physical media? Getting more 10% to 15% coupons from on line merchants and independent stores. Perhaps the craziness of the last couple of years is ebbing and the market is adjusting accordingly to higher prices and supply and demand. My wallet hopes this is true. 


Vinyl and CD sales have been on the upswing for quite some time now; just check out the industry trade publications, increase in number of pressing plants, etc. 

Vinyl and CD sales have been on the upswing for quite some time now; just check out the industry trade publications, increase in number of pressing plants, etc.

@larsman Not sure what numbers you’re looking at, but this just flies in the face of common sense as to what’s actually been happening over the past 25 years in terms of CDs.  CD shipments in the US peaked at 943 million in the year 2000 and have steadily and significantly declined since and were only 33 million in 2022 (a 97% decline!!!) and are back down to the levels of the mid 1980s when CDs were first introduced.   From Statista…

“Amid all the talk of music streaming and the renaissance of vinyl, the continued decline of CD sales hasn’t been getting a lot of attention in recent years. According to the Recording Industry Association of America(RIAA), CD album sales in the United States have dropped by 95 percent since peaking in 2000 and are currently at their lowest level since 1986, when Whitney Houston's self-titled debut album topped the Billboard charts.

Having been hit by the rise of filesharing and MP3 players in the early 2000s, CD sales nearly halved between 2000 and 2007, which is when smartphones and the first music streaming services emerged to put the final nail in the compact disc’s little round coffin.”

As I mentioned above, vinyl sales have likely been improving but represent only a tiny share of the physical music media market while CDs have just continued in a downward spiral and in all likelihood will continue to do so.

I stand by what I said. More CD transports and players are coming out all the time, too. Things have changed a lot since 2022 in this regard.