Martin logans or Dali Euphonia

I really need help regarding this two curent speakers are ,ascent,theater,aeon.Do you guys think or know is the Dali euphonia Ms4,Rs3,Cs4 ,will sound more detail,dynamic,bigger sound stage than my logans.I need to have a feedback as soon as possible, before I take a dessicion.any imput will be highly apreciated.


Showing 1 response by gajgmusic

Dear Armandito

I hope you don't mind the direct email but since I was going to suggest a third choice I figured I would write you directly. I did have some questions. How big is the room? Do you have any intent on listening to multichannel music? What sort of films are you watching and what sort of effects do you want (eg major bass, clear sound, realistic)?

With this in mind I have just set up a home theater and thought I went a line of speakers called piegas. They too are ribbons, which is what I think you are looking for if you are considering the logans or the euphoria. The problems with electrostatics is integrating them with the base and giving them enough presence. They are wonderful for music and give a wide soundstage but that is less important, I think, when you have multiple channels. Ribbons in my opinion are better able to provide the immediacy and punch people like in home theater. I have heard mls in ht, a friend has quite a nice set up, but he has noticed this to be a substantial issue and finds he is using it much less because of this.

I must confess I have not heard the dalis though I have read very good reviews of them on the net. I ended up with the piegas a number of years ago when looking for my two channel system and have since put them into a fairly good ht set up. Their ribbon is second to none and their bass integrates seemlessly which takes a lot of pressure off the subwoofer. Part of the reason I thought to write you was I noticed you used the moon amp, which is a great piece of equipment. I have also got a friend with the large moon 2 channel amp (I think w-5) who bought a pair of piegas after listening to my system and they work very well with his gear. Michael fremmer had a review of piegas in an ht system about a year ago and thought they were the best multichannel system he had heard.

The only bad part of this post is that while I bought all my piega stuff as an individual, over the last few months the north american distributor, whom I know quite well, asked me to be the canadian rep (we really are a small market) so everything I say must be taken with a grain of salt (as must anything). Having said that I am really not trying to sell you anything because I don't sell outside of canada and I have a day job (thoracic surgeon). I hope I have not offended you by the email, if so I do apologize, its just you asked nicely several times for input so I suspect you are in the same boat we all find ourselves sometime. There are not that many people that understand the hobby and its tough to get input. Good luck with you search and if I can be of any help in any way drop me a note.