Mass and vibration cancelling on top of CD player?

How many use the mass effect on top of your player?

Showing 2 responses by davehrab

PTSS ... many years ago I came to the realization that even with premium state of the art equipment .. you still had to pay the proper Homage to the Holy Trinity of .. Power Delivery .. Room Acoustics and Vibration control if you want your equipment to reach it’s fullest potential

Nothing can add more deliberating unwanted side effects and confusion than these three Deities impart on your equipment and each must be addressed in a separate manor individually

3 things that stick out in my mind are .. “Math and Physics are what really effects our equipment” .. even if we can’t comprehend some of the principles

Heck we are still trying to get our heads around Dark Matter and Dark Energy that drives the Universe ... but they are there and formable forces to deal with

Next is ... “the first step to problem solution is problem identification” ... to many audiophiles try to put the cart in front of the horse and ask for the solution without completely understanding the inherent problems ... I am also a firm believer in that .. “Problems that remain consistently unsolvable should be viewed as being the wrong questions being asked”

The last is ... “if you can’t measure it you can’t mange it”

There is 3 things that are very common and basic to all three of these deliberating Deities ... They all have a source generating the deliberating interference ... they all need a conduit to transmit this interference down or through ... and they all need a Target to receive and be effected by the forces of evil being transmitted

If you can eliminate any one of these elements .. Source .. conduit or receiver ... you can reduce or eliminate the problem that is causing the interference ... but this is not as easy as it’s seems

Lets look at the Vibration issues and how to counter them .. vibration attack all our components from 3 different avenues and each requires a completely different approach to dissipate

According to basic Physics energy can neither be created or destroyed .. only altered in form .. E=MC squared ... + or – 3db (;-

You can never completely eliminate vibrations and only hope to reduce their magnitude or shift then into a plane where they are inaudible

Let’s look at the scope of the problems first identifying the offending perpetrators and what techniques are needed to exercise them

First we have vibrations caused by the normal operation of our equipment .. spinning drive motors in CD players and turn table .. Transformers operating under normal condition and all the chips in our components circuit’s clicking on and off can all add unwanted micro voltage back into the circuits that is eventually reproduced as NOISE as this unwanted micro voltage is added to the original signal and reproduced

In this situation your source’s normal operation is causing the vibrating interference ... your equipment in this case is also the conduit that these vibrations travel along and your component is the recipient of these vibrations ... SOURCE CONDUIT and RECEIVER

Now that you have properly identified the Source of the issue you can correctly apply the proper solution ... (“the first step to problem solution is problem identification”)

To reduce or shift the vibrations caused by your equipment's normal operation out of the audible plane you must directly couple the offending component to a platform of higher mass, this way the offending vibrations have a path way to migrate through and to

Vibrations travel from the lower mass (of your component) to the higher mass (of your rack) through the direct coupling of your components footers

Switching the stock footers on your component’s for cones, wood blocks, or roller balls that will directly couple the component to the rack can change the rate of transfer from low mass to higher mass and the type and material of diode (footer) you use will also impart some of their own signatures due to their primary resonate frequencies ... don’t concern yourself with the signature at this point .. only understand that you must create a pathway (lower mass to higher mass through direct coupling) to migrate deliberating vibrations created by your equipment's normal mode of operation

Another way vibrations attack our equipment is through floor born vibrations that will shake your equipment ... anything that shake the house’s structure like HVAC and washing machine motors running also refrigerator can be a good contributor will add vibrations to the structure which will travel through the floor and into your rack and will travel up the rack to disturb your components ... children running around the house .. cars and trucks passing by your house and even the low frequency Geo Seismic shudder of Mother Earth can have an effect ... I live about 5 miles from Sikorsky Aircraft .. the helicopter builders and when one of those choppers flies near my house the whole place can shake noticeably

Again you have identified your sources of this type of vibrations .. the conduit being your floors and rack and the receiver of these vibes is your equipment

To eliminate or reduce the effects of this perpetrator you must decouple the rack (which can be a difficult task) from the floor ... the easiest way to do this is to find a platform that is heavier than the component ... place the lighter component directly coupled to the higher mass platform and then decouple the platform and component resting on it from the vibrating rack shelf

In this set up the directly coupled component to the higher mass platform will drain and dissipate the equipment generated vibrations into the higher mass platform and then you decouple that whole assembly from the rack buffering the component from the floor born vibrations traveling up the rack

The last pathway vibrations can find a way into our equipment and one you are enjoying success with is Air Born vibrations that are transmitted into the room by the speaker’s pressurizing of the room ... the room then take these pressurizing modes and increases them by what is referred to as room gain or boundary interference ... the speaker pressure is multiplied and transmitted through out the room eventually contacting our equipment and shaking it ... have you ever sat in a high powered home theater and have your pant’s leg shake when the sub went off ... the same thing is happen to all your equipment

They way to defend and defeat this as you have learned is to Mass load your component with extra weight to make the component appear to be heavier than it is because of the weight you added to it ... now the pressurizing forces have a harder more difficult time pushing your components around because they appear heavier than the original component on its own to these pressurizing forces .. the more weight you add the harder it is for the air born force to shake your component

lets see if this works My Cd player

Here you can see my 40 pound Denon with a 40 pound Bright Star Little Rock sitting on top of it to mass load against air born attackers sitting on double stacked Symposium Roller Blocks that directly couple the player to the 110 pound Vibraplan to drain the equipment generated vibes from the Denon to the Viberplan and of course the Viberplan’s air bladder footer completely decouple the player from the rack and the floor born vibrations that are traveling up it

Here’s another more detailed article you may enjoy Bad Vibrations

Hopefully I’ve provided you with some additional food for though and incite .. seek out the problem before applying a general solution ... look at the pathway from the offending source creating the offense to the conduit to the eventual receiver and be sure to apply the correct solution for the type of offending vibration at the proper location

“Problems that remain consistently unsolvable should be viewed as being the wrong questions being asked”

Good Luck