Hmmm, some food for thought, thanks. However, I may have led you a bit astray by failing to mention that the blown woofer is no longer present, i.e. I don't have it any more. Also, the woofer is proprietary, made by the speaker company and not purchased by them from a supplier.
Reading your responses, it seems the consensus is that the sound and sensitivity of replacement woofers would vary from the original, but with luck and careful matching it may be possible to find a replacement close enough to be suitable. Fair?
In any case, the suggestion of speaking to Madisound sounds like a reasonable place to start. Would the specs of the existing good woofer be printed on the back of the driver? I'd prefer not to remove it from the cabinet to check unnecessarily. (Just guessing the speaker company may not be too forthcoming about their woofer specs, since I'd be using them to purchase a replacement from someone else!)
Just f.y.i., not to be too mysterious about this, but I do prefer not to mention the brand of speaker, as my experience is that any remarks voiced on audiogon about an audio product that can be construed (or misconstrued) as critical can have quite serious consequences for the company, especially if it is a small one. And also for the owners of their products. I like the speakers, don't blame the company for the woofer failure, and prefer not to have their name brought up in a negative context not of their making. Whew, that was a mouthful!
Thanks again for your thoughts!