Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 DAC

After weeks of research, I scooped one of these up because the price seems unbeatable for the hardware/specs provided. $274 delivered from the Chinese mfr ($249 ex works).
Analog Devices 1955 chip; Burr-Brown OPA2604 op-amps; tube pre-out stage includes JAN GE 5670/2C51 tube "upgrade".
Also solid state pre-out.
Optical, Coax (RCA & F-type), and USB (asynchronous, using the Tenor 7022L chip) inputs.
24/96 capability (unfortunately does not go up to 192).
Audiophile S/N ratios for both outs.
After only 15-20 hours listening and break-in, I am thrilled. The tube out is fantastic; so rich, so full, yet so clean and dynamic. No tube fog or any sort of masking, just pure enhancement. Can't really comment on solid state out because I'm so smitten with the tube stage. Very dimensional and natural.
This thang has made a BIG improvement in my enjoyment of CDs (using an old Phillips CD/DVD player as transport) and the tube out is a step or five up from the Squeezebox Touch DAC that is also part of my setup.
VERY pleased and looking forward to even sweeter sounds as the TubeMagic breaks completely in.
More to follow...
I just read my post and realized I could have been clearer, and it may sound rude. Sorry about any wrong impressions I may have given.
The Maverick dac looks quite nice and I'd like to hear how the D2, G.F. DAC11, and other budget DACs compare in sound. I wish it had analogue inputs too.
I didn't read any rudeness in your post, Mjcmt (or can I refer to you here as Mike?).
One of these days, you'll hear the D2 with your own ears and hopefully you'll find it as pleasing as I do.
Mind you, this is my first experience with an external DAC, so I might be caught up in the excitement of the new purchase, but it really is a terrific-sounding unit and I'm extremely psyched about the value. Gotta start somewhere, and it suits my needs perfectly.
Hi Mjcmt

I didn't see or think of any rudeness at all in your previous post. I have the Grant Fidelity DAC-09 that has the headphone jack, analog inputs, outputs and volume control. At first I just wanted to use it on its own as a nice all in one. The volume control on my DAC-09 is a stepped one and as luck would have it when I would try to find the volume I liked it was between 2 steps. If I was one over I would experience some harshness on certain recordings. If I was one step down I would feel certain songs were lacking in sound.

Just a heads up. I don't know if the volume control on the DAC-11 has changed from a stepped one to a non-stepped one.

I find it funny. I'm looking @ the TubeMagic D2 DAC because of the lack of volume control and analog inputs. I guess this is stemming from the Accuphase C200. I have an unruly amount on inputs and knobs to tweak. If I could keep the source simple and straight fwd that would be more than enough for me.
Hey Jedi, where do you live? If you're anywhere close to Charlotte NC, you are more than welcome to come over and listen to the Maverick D2. Let me know.
Hey Colorfulpellets

Thanks for the invite but unfortunately I'm over in the east coast near NYC. Otherwise I'd be over your place with my DAC-09 for comparison, additional tubes for some tube rollin fun/confusion and beverages of choice.

Definitely keep us posted as you spend more time the the D2. I can understand your point though about the excitement of a new piece of gear in your system. Try to enjoy the music and not drive yourself too crazy with comparisons of old and new.