MC cartridge for Clearaudio Concept 1600$

Hello friends! This topic appears once in a few years, the last one similar (but lower budget) was three years ago so it's time! smiley

I have Sumiko Amethyst MM Cartridge on my Clearaudio Concept (basic) turnable and I want to try MC now and to bring the level & cost of cartridge into line with my stereo system. My budget is up to 1600$. So everybody oddly enough says the best option is Concept MC. Of course. But I would like to explore some other options because there are several interesting models in this price range with very similar tech. specs and that will also suite fine my tonearm with effective mass 9g. Here's the list:

- Concept MC Signature

- Dynavector DV-XX2 MKII

- Hana ML

- Goldring Ethos MC 

- Goldring Ethos SE MC

I wonder if anyone has expierence with any of these cartridges to tell something about it's character, sound signature, musicality, accuracy. Will be great if in compareson with Concept MC.

I listen (sometimes with my wife) to music from Billie Ilish to Pantera, from Portishead to Darkthrone, from Cypress Hill to Cannibal Corpse, even from Gabber to Sludge. Sometimes sad and romantic, sometimes evil. But very emotional like me. My phonostage is Hegel V10. Thanks for help




So difficult to compare, I use both and had experience streaming was better than vinyl (new pop artists have great hi-res recordings and poor vinyls because they are made just to earn money from nonaudiophiles) or vinyl was better than streaming. It depends on vinyl quality, for example Music on Vinyl presses will beat cd and streaming. And I founded on Tidal some albums that sound awful no matter they are hires.

@iad As far as comparisons, the Marantz TT-15S1 comes with a Clearaudio Virtuoso Ebony Wood MM cartridge. It's a well regarded cartridge.  I found the Hana ML to be considerably better.  I've also had a Goldring 1042 MM cartridge.

Some of the improvement is coming from the Sutherland TZ Vibe phono preamp. I was using a Sutherland KC Vibe with the MM cartridges. 

@sls883 cool. First I wanted to take Vertere Dark Sabre MM (1600€), then I thought why should I buy MM again if I can take a good MC for this money? And Hana ML is even cheaper. But I still do not filter out Dynavector and Goldring. If I get lost I can always take Clearaudio Concept MC or Signature MC, but I didn't like reviews of them much. Thats a pity I can't just take them all and compare.

Not sure if this helps as my cartridge is not one of those you listed but I do have the Clearaudio Concept turntable.  I moved to a MC cartridge earlier this year and selected the AT - ART9XI cartridge.  This was a definite improvement in my system and paired with my Modwright PH 9.0 phono preamp which is tube based, its a solid combination.  Just a thought.........