
Responses from sls883

What happened to the Innous discussion
So, you're comparing the two streamers going into different inputs on your dac with different cables.  It could be that your dac does better with a coaxial input.  I have no idea, but you're comparing more than just the two streamers.   
What happened to the Innous discussion
@baylinor I'm also using a U18 to convert to I2s @bassbuyer Same. I use the cd ripper more than I thought I would. Just used it yesterday.   
What happened to the Innous discussion
I went from a Node 130 to an Innuos Zen Mk3. I did notice an improvement. I'm using a kinda pricey USB cable.  There are far more expensive streamers than mine, but I'm happy with what I have. I bought mine in lightly used condition and still in ... 
What happened to the Innous discussion
I don't recall the details of the post, but the title was poorly chosen and the OP couldn't go back and change it.   
What happened to the Innous discussion
What do you want to know about Innuos if you've already tried it?   
One Sub or Two?
I think I'd wait and see how they sound in your room.  I wouldn't expect a speaker like an 801 D4 to need much help for two channel. I think you'd need really good subs to gain anything. It's interesting that REL's website doesn't have a recommend... 
I am sad
They have a Facebook page, but not much activity and zero comments from consumers. I'm guessing they don't allow comments.   
I am sad
Does the manufacturer have a Facebook page?  If they do, you might get some attention there.  I recently bought a gold bracelet for my wife from Macy's.  It broke. It was defective. Several online chats and phone calls with Macy's. I was told, so... 
Pre-amp for Parasound A21+ & B&W 803 D3
The Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL level 2 preamp is excellent in my opinion.  I have found a combination of tubes that sound wonderful.  No more upgrading for me.  
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers
I haven’t experimented much with speaker cables. I had previously biwired with two different types of older Synergetic Research cables. Mark IIS to the upper frequencies and a less expensive SR to the bass frequency. The thought being that biwired... 
Benchmark LA4 vs Linear Audio Tube microZOTL Preamplifier (Level 2)
I received the three sets of output tubes that I mentioned earlier.  The Raytheon 6SN7 VT231 from the 1940’s are the best.  All three pair sound good. I'll be using the Raytheon moving forward.  I ordered a second set to have on hand.  $200 for th... 
Has it all been worth it?
I maybe could have gotten to where I am and spent less, but what I like a lot about my current system is that older recordings that I thought were crappy (sibilant, etc) are not.   I was listening to Til Tuesday - Everything's Different Now last ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Til Tuesday   
Has it all been worth it?
Other than pissing away money on cables, I think the upgrades that I've made have been worth it.  I listen to music for a couple of hours every night. I've got other hobbies that don't produce the satisfaction that I get from listening to music.  ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Carpenters - Love Songs.  Good background music for work.