
Responses from sls883

I am sad
Does the manufacturer have a Facebook page?  If they do, you might get some attention there.  I recently bought a gold bracelet for my wife from Macy's.  It broke. It was defective. Several online chats and phone calls with Macy's. I was told, so... 
Pre-amp for Parasound A21+ & B&W 803 D3
The Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL level 2 preamp is excellent in my opinion.  I have found a combination of tubes that sound wonderful.  No more upgrading for me.  
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers
I haven’t experimented much with speaker cables. I had previously biwired with two different types of older Synergetic Research cables. Mark IIS to the upper frequencies and a less expensive SR to the bass frequency. The thought being that biwired... 
Benchmark LA4 vs Linear Audio Tube microZOTL Preamplifier (Level 2)
I received the three sets of output tubes that I mentioned earlier.  The Raytheon 6SN7 VT231 from the 1940’s are the best.  All three pair sound good. I'll be using the Raytheon moving forward.  I ordered a second set to have on hand.  $200 for th... 
Has it all been worth it?
I maybe could have gotten to where I am and spent less, but what I like a lot about my current system is that older recordings that I thought were crappy (sibilant, etc) are not.   I was listening to Til Tuesday - Everything's Different Now last ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Til Tuesday   
Has it all been worth it?
Other than pissing away money on cables, I think the upgrades that I've made have been worth it.  I listen to music for a couple of hours every night. I've got other hobbies that don't produce the satisfaction that I get from listening to music.  ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Carpenters - Love Songs.  Good background music for work.  
Does USB cable length make a diference?
I seem to recall reading that 1.5 meters is an ideal length. That’s what I went with. A cable that I liked happened to be available used in that length.  
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
I have bought a couple of things used at around 60% of the typical selling price. They were like new and only a year, or two, old.  I like older gear, but I've had caps go bad in an amp and had trouble with a c-j preamp that I bought used due to i... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Within Temptation - Resist.  Bought this used. It came from a library in library packaging..   
What exactly is ROON?
@gdaddy1 I've used Audivarna when streaming with my dac.  Sound quality is excellent.   
What exactly is ROON?
Roon is a music management and playback software that organizes your music library and streams it to many devices. It's designed to provide high-fidelity audio and a rich experience for exploring your music.  That's what Google says. I tried Roo... 
Benchmark LA4 vs Linear Audio Tube microZOTL Preamplifier (Level 2)
@thriftyaudio I’m using Telefunken ECC801S for the input tubes. I’ve tried a number of 12AT7 and equivalents. I like the Telefunken best. Siemens ECC801S were a close second. For my preferences. I have ordered some tubes from a guy that sells on ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour.