MC phono stage without transformer?

A newbie question:

I read a lot of 'reservation' about using an external MC step up transformer to increase the gain of an MM phono stage. But as I searched around for MC phono stages, I noticed that a lot of these actually have internal step-up transformers, some of these transformers are exactly the same as what some people used to make their external step-up.

So if transformer is no good, I should really be looking for an MC phono without the tranformer? Do these exist though?
lewm, no such inference should be made from my comments. big apologies! there are no hard and fast rules to defining a music lover. although, i would suggest that if your budget on equipment and music isn't in the stratosphere (90% of audiophiles), then choosing say, a $10K phonostage is choosing the path of the audiophile and not the music lover. additionally, one's system will also have to be comprised of similar statosphere products to achieve full benefit such a costly phono stage. without going the DIY route. and as Atmasphere pointed out, the more resolving your system is, the easier it is to hear the colorations of the transformer. logic would indicate that in most real world yet audiophile based systems, transformer less designs are not a priority. i would also say that $10K for a phonostage is not prohibitive to some. it is prohibitive to most.

i don't know original poster Viper, his/her price range, and whether his/her system is appropriate for one of those stages. did anyone ask?

thanks, I will check out that diy site.

btw, i have no allegiance to transformer less phono stages. in fact, quite the opposite. i have tried three highly regarded stages priced at what I would call the affordable range (less than $3K) and they all were sterile compared to the tubes & transformer sound. The Klyne was the best of them and I could easily live with that one. The others were ASR and Pass. Really nice equipment but not my preference. Both methods can bring great sound. i can't deny the experience of others with very pricey transormerless phono stages. i don't have that experience.

PS. i'm starting to think that if a tree falls and nobody hears it, it didn't fall. and if very few heard said tree fall, the sound it made isn't all that relevant or important.
Hi Raul, back at my level of sonic reproduction, I'm now switching between a DV XX-2/K&K step up and a Ortofon 2M Black thanks in part to your encouragement! Not sure if in my system it makes a difference but the 2M black is cheaper. Both cartridges have their benefits.

Shindo Aurieges Pre with MM ($4K)
Wright AU-15 2A3 push pull ($4K) or Scott LK-150 ($1K)
Devore Gibbon 8 ($2.8K)
Lenco/Rega RB700 (approx $1.5K with plinth)

Many more $Ks must be leftover for records.

Dear Plinko: +++++ " then choosing say, a $10K phonostage is choosing the path of the audiophile and not the music lover. " +++++

As Lew point out both terms: audiophile and music lover can/could " live " at the same time ( like in many many of us ) one of them not exclude the other.
Of course that exist the 100% audiophiles ( many of them with very high price audio systems ) that are not a music lovers ( they only enjoy the " sound " but nor the music. ) and the 100% music lover that does not care about " audio hardware ".

José and I take the DIY route because we first are music lovers than audiophiles and we like/want to enjoy the music ( not only sound ) in the top way that we can.

I don't buy any audio item or build it just to have the the best and latest audio item, I only take that kind of decision ( and the money is not the principal issue about ) only if that item ( new or a modification of what I have ) can improve the enjoyment of the music. Take a look to my system: very " old " items that ( with the right mods and DIY like the Phonolinepreamp ) give me an enormous and wonderful enjoy of music and what music can make in my emotions/feelings.

I always try to enjoy the " software " not the " hardware ", the " hardware " is only a " bad necessity " and the best the hardware ( and your know how about ) the best your music enjoying.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul you took my commment out of context and removed the most important bit. If you concentrate on the complete comment and context, I believe you will find that I am mostly in agreement and I respect both your view and Lew's comment. Thanks.
Getting back to Viper's inquiry: "so if transformer is no good, I should really be looking for an MC phono without the tranformer? Do these exist though?"

Upon, examining direction that the thread has taken and the attention to various ultimate designs that is paid, it seems Viper should consider the high priced ultimate options for the ultimate in sound...Essential, Atmasphere, Doshi, etc....Perhaps this will work for Viper.

Perhaps not. Viper, what say you?

For lesser systems, I'm seeing a near consensus even among the proponents of transformerless stages that a transformer can be a viable option. What is not clear is where this boundary lies.