McAlister Audio Opinions Sought

Anyone having a opinion on these amps I would like to hear from you;especially the MB130 monoblocks.
Looking at these amps to drive a pair of soundlab m2's
i owned one, 75 watts, but don't remember the model number.

the amplifier sounds like there are no tubes in it. i was glad to get rid of it. i suppose, before the price increase it was a good value, if you like a transistor amp with tubes. it's a bit on the grainy side as well.
Peter is a prince to deal with,no hard sell.His products are not flashy,have no exotic names and are very affordable. Maybe this explains why they are largely ignored by the mainstream.They are also hand built on Canadian soil,not China.Who hand builds gear these days at these prices.
The monoblocks throw a large sound stage with an authoritative bass.There is an utter sense of poise to the music that is incredibly satisfying.
Suggest you contact Peter directly to discuss your needs.