McCormack Amp Upgrades

Looking for comments on McCormack amp upgrades, either done by McCormack or other modifiers. I'm getting a DNA-1 shortly (stock) and am looking for a cost effective upgrade. SMc offers silver, gold, and platinum upgrades. Would appreciate any comments regarding upgrades they got and the difference in sound. Spending as much (or more) on upgrades as the amp cost is significant, and when you look at the total investment you could move up to a more expensive/newer amp. Hope to hear a noticeable difference when spending $900 or more on upgrades. You can reach a point of diminishing returns when spending this much or more on upgrades, as you sit in your chair and try to convince yourself that you are hearing something better. What have you tried or heard? Do you think it is worth spending $900 to $2000+ in upgrades for this amp? Or should I use for a while, then move up to a stock DNA-225 or something else like a Pass Labs X150 or X250? Speakers are VS-4.5. Thanks for your comments and opinions.
I know there are other contenders, but in my experience, Pass amps are the finest SS available, and if not the "best" close enought to be the end game for many. If I had McCormack (very fine amps) and was considering an upgrade, I would wait till I could make the move to Pass gear, and the XA series perferablly if you can afford it - a better strategy than sinking more money into the McCormack IMHO. I have heard very good things about the Ayre and Symphonic Line gear as well, but I don't have personal experience.

Plz post your results of discussions with Steve. I run a stock DNA-1 and have had similar thoughts / questions.

(I'm very happy with the DNA1 at this point...everything in front of it is tubed..pre..CDP..DAC).
Tube540, just a suggestion....McCormack amplifiers sound best when they're left "on" 24/7. Or at least warmed up for a day before listening. I noticed this with all the McCormack amps I had(DNA-0.5Deluxe, DNA-125, DNA-225).
I agree with Audphile1 the McCormack's need to be left on to bring out their very best.

Audphile1 my Apologies for coming off so harsh on the last posts, didn't realize how bad it sounded till I went back and read them again. I also sat down to listen and see what it was I was hearing with these upgrades and could see where these upgrades might be to much in some systems. With my Vandy's the improvement's are in the subtle details as well as the sound stage size. I probably wouldn't run these with the NHT's I had before.

Tube540 like you I'm wondering where to spend my money on improvements. Was considering having both the DNA-1's upgraded to Platinum but with the new price increase I'm thinking just one and then upgrade to the Quatro's. Anyway keep us posted on what you find out.
Ig316b, it's alright. I cought some sarcasm in your post but nothing that had ruined my weekend.