Mccormack DNA125 or Belles 150A Hot Rod

I'm in the market for a new amp and trying to decide which one would give me the best sound and value. I'm unable to audition either. My pre is a VTL 2.5 and speakers are Infinity Kappa 8.1 (89db).
Thanks for any input.

Showing 3 responses by 4yanx

Pardon the pun, but Belles and McCormack are starting to sound like a broken record.

IMHO, you have VASTLY overblown the situation with respect to how often the McCormack and Belles amps are mentioned in this forum but, granted, these names (especially McCormack) are mentioned with some frequency. Wonder why the McCormack name fills the ayre so readily. :-)
Before I bought my DNA-225 some time back I auditioned a DNA-125 and the Belles. In short, very short, I'd pick the McCormack. Zaikes description of the 125 is pretty much the same as mine, absent the slightly rolled-off treble which I did not notice (but then it was auditioning for me and not long term listening).

I ultimately bought the DNA-225 and subsequently had Steve and Co. do their Platinum Upgrade Magic. The results were nothing short of astounding (see my review for details of my experience). I have heard many, many amps in my day (and it's getting to be a rather long day these days!) and the only other amp I'd even really consider at present is another DNA-225 so that I might have Steve McCormack turn it and mine into a pair of monoblocks.
Then I sent it to Mr. Steve McCormack to be upgraded to their top "Platinum Edition" and what can I tell you my friends ? the improvement is so huge that I can't beleive is my same Amplifier.

EXACTLY my experience, too!

I spec power toroids for those relatively rare times (at least for me) when cost is not an issue, and then I source them from Plitron, who make the best toroids I have found. And I pay…a LOT!

And well worth the dough in the right application. Not to mention the carbon wiring as another aspect of the upgrade I received!!!!!